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고객 지원센터
鞝滍拡 氇╇
그래픽 타입 LCM
캐릭터 타입 LCM
세그먼트 타입 LCM
컬러 LCM
자동차 전자류
자동용접면용 LCD
문의하기 鞙勳箻: 頇堩帢鞚挫 >고객 지원센터 >문의하기


1.Q: What is Jiya's manufacturing capacity?
With all of its production equipment and technology brought in from Japan , Jiya mainly produces TN, STN and FSTN liquid crystal displays and modules with resolutions under 640×480. Its annual production capacity is 50,000m² of LCD panels and 15 million pieces of monochrome and color displays.
1.       Can Jiya substitute the yellow-green LED backlight in standard modules with White LED?
White LED is a very young technology. Achieved by manufacturers in 2000, White LED's are able to produce light within a wavelength of 430 to 700 nm. Originally, White LED started its life as a Blue LED. A yellow phosphor was applied onto the top of the indium gallium nitride junction of a Blue LED. The mixture of the phosphor light with the original blue, created broad and even frequency of the necessary color. The typical white LED has a current consumption of about 15 to 20 mA, but can have a forward voltage as high as 4V. Since the use of White LED's involves such issues as high power consumption and heat emission, the most common method of White LED backlighting is edge lit. A few White LED lamps can be a good solution for LCD modules smaller than 4 inches, when CCFL pipes exceed the modules' size. Jiya can substitute Yellow-Green LED lit standard products with White. An appropriate tooling will be required.
2.       Would the brightness of a White LED edge lit LCD module be higher than regular yellow-green LED array lit one?
In most of cases, the brightness will be lower, yet.
3.       How is an STN display effected, when higher than the rated current is applied through the CCFL backlight tube?
As the current increases, the light pipe's life will be proportionally reduced. A significant change in contrast near the light's source will take place.
4.       Does Jiya use the same kind of LED's for array and edge lit LCD modules?
No. Special High Bright LED chips are used in edge lit LCD modules
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